Playing with styling: Love, hate, tragedy

Hey guys! You know what we haven’t done in a while? A “Playing for styling” kind of a post! I miss messing around with a clothing that I like and styling it differently countless of times … I think that’s the true magic of fashion. Every little detail matters! And every little detail can bring you to a different kind of a style.

Celozaslonski zajem 3. 07. 2017 173654.bmpI’m still not sure whether you guys prefer the softer or the edgier side of me (I don’t know which one do I prefer, either, by the way), but let’s start with a softer version! I’ve instantly fallen in love with this top. I know it’s quite simple, but the zipper is an epic detail that brings a lot of edginess to the top. A small detail … that means a lot. Like I always say. The skirt is very simple. You have to take something away, so you can give something else … That’s why I went all in with the blouse and the high heels. These two items are incredibly important in this set, because they dictated the style of the outfit. They’re both very feminine. Sure, the skirt is quite feminine too, because it brings shape to the body, but it can be quite neutral when it comes to style, since it isn’t anything special. Anyway … The shoes and the blouse! I didn’t want to match the colours together, I think that would be too typical and boring, but they do have similiar shades, so they still fit together. All in all, I think this truly is quite soft.

Celozaslonski zajem 3. 07. 2017 174723.bmpNow on to my edgier side … Does this scream rock, or what?! When I picked the top and decided to style it, my original idea was to use the red skirt, but you won’t believe it … The set on the top was the first one that I created. I suppresed the original idea when I used the blouse and the shoes. But … I couldn’t just leave the top there. That’s why I created this as the second option. I love the fact that three colours are working together to create something stylish. Red and black are very edgy and more known as “sharp”, whereas the white brings in the innocence. I love the fact that the skirt has a split, I loooove the bag that connects everything together, I love the jacket and the shoes. I think I actually prefer this version … Man, it’s badass.

Which version do you prefer and why? Also, do you prefer “Playing with styling” kind of posts or “OOTD” ones? Let me know!