The magic of a skirt

Hello! I often use skirts in my sets, so I’ve decided to make a post of three different sets with quite different styles and different skirts.
Celozaslonski zajem 26.3.2016 174615.bmpMy favorite item in this first set is the top. It’s black and the cut is made beautifully. Your arms are free and both the colour and the cut will make you look as thin as ever.
The collar may feel a little uncomfortable, but it’s nothing we can’t get used to. The new trend is wearing flannel shirts around your hips. I don’t know what is about it that makes you look so cool, but it just does, trust me. To keep up the rock in this style, I’ve added the shoes and a backpack. I’d love to add a pair of hanging earrings and maybe a necklace.

Celozaslonski zajem 26.3.2016 174646.bmpThe second style is more of a mash up between the formal way of clothing and rock, whereas the first set was just plain street rock. A funny fact is that you never quite know how do the items fit together if you don’t wear them. I am a little bit sceptical whether the shoes and the skirt can truly fit together … The top is definitely plain, but this coat gives the outfit a smell of elegance. Therefore it almost feels as if I should add high heels, not these kind of shoes. But I don’t know, I guess we could try it out. My favorite item is the bag.

Celozaslonski zajem 26.3.2016 174702.bmpI hope you’ve noticed the elegance just keeps on upgrading! The third set is the most elegant of the three of them. My favorite item is the skirt, because I love the cut! There is so much room for your legs. It will make you look feminine, but not too revealing. I also love everything else, to be entirely honest. The shoes are awesome, the top is a beautiful colour of blue. Just as in the previous set, the coat is the item that brings out the elegance the most, but also the hat. Necklaces smooth this set down a bit, so it’s not too elegant. Either way, this way of styling is my most favorite.

What do you think of these sets? What is your favorite set or your favorite item? How do you style skirts? Let me know in the comments!

Your skirt lover Tamara


Hello, hi! The weather in Slovenia was crazy this past week. We got snow, sun and anything inbetween. But it’s warm and beautiful today, it looks more like spring and I’ve found inspiration in that exactly.

Celozaslonski zajem 20.3.2016 135100.bmpFirst of all – I love skirts that have an open cut, so you can show your leg game! It’s sexy, but you aren’t showing too much.
Tops look awesome with long skirts, because you cover up enough with the skirt. Showing your body is nothing anyone should be ashamed of.
It’s no secret that I love platform shoes. They are modern and quite frankly, I can’t think of anything else that would suit better with the long skirt. This way your legs look even taller (and therefore slimmer). I added a backpack, too.

I wouldn’t mind adding some jewelry – like many rings that would highlight the rock. Or bigger earrings.
I am not incredibly sure about the hat. I use hats often in my sets, you know that, but I don’t really feel it in this kind of a combination. Caps are getting incredibly popular and I think a cap would suit better with this style, but I’ve never worn one, so I’d feel like betraying my own style. Sometimes what’s modern and what’s your personal choice isn’t the same thing.

I hope the sun doesn’t wear off now that I’ve mentioned it and clearly “fangirled” about it. Apparently – it’s supposed to rain next week, but I’ve got my spring jacket ready and might cry if I’ll have to postpone wearing that once again!

What do you think of this set? What’s your favorite item? Would you style this any differently? Let me know in the comments!

Have a great day,
your blogger Tamara